Tuesday 6 September 2011

A girl with fangs and her famous celebrities...

I am a girl with fangs and I have been very conscious about it since then. Someone said to me that having fangs between each tooth is a good thing. It looks sweeter to some people. I thought to myself, that might be true but it did not make me feel any better or feel any prettier. I thought of applying braces to make it straight but Tip always says, "It's OK, no need to do it and I like it!" Then came along celebrities like David Beckham, Charlize Theron, Avril Lavigne, Kirsten Dunst and some other celebs that are definitely having fangs too! I'm so happy that these fangs beauties are rocking on with their famous traits. If you have what I have...do not worry, WE ARE BEAUTIFUL, in our own way! :)

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