Friday 30 September 2011

15 things...

1) What time did you get up this morning?
6.45 am

2) What time did you go to bed last night?
Before 11.00 pm

3) How many meetings do you have today?

4) How many events are you attending this weekend?

5) Preference : Black-tie or cocktail party?
Cocktail party. I get to interact casually with people who have different outlooks in life

6) What did you have for breakfast?
Honey & Almonds cereals with a bowl of fresh milk

7) Favorite place to get away?
Pangkor Laut Resort or Avillion PD

8) Best de-stressing pastime?
Watching dvds back to back while lazying on the couch/bed

9) Is the cup half-empty or half-full?
Half-Full. Try to be as optimistic as I can be

10) Favorite time of the day?

11) Favorite childhood memory?
One of Asia Bagus contestants, but I decided to quit half way and got an opportunity to be a recording artist under Pony Canyon but I decided to pursue my studies instead

12) Childhood ambition?
Newscaster and stewardess, so that I can travel the world

13) Any exciting news you would like to share?
Will share it in November

14) What are you reading now?
Some biographies 

15) What are you listening to right now?
Secrets by OneRepublic

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