Monday 10 October 2011

Confession on a Monday morning...

This blog is precisely about the things that I love and like. It could be simply about anything or everything. From clothes to shoes to bags to make up kits to skincare products to travelling or even food and drinks. I chose to write about what I perceive things happen in life. And in a positive way that it may seems as if my life is all about the stuff that I write about. But of course, life is simply more complicated than that. No matter how good the life I am living, I will always find others more interesting, wonderful or simply even better. I rarely look at myself and be grateful with what I already have. And at times, I focus on the things that I do not have, the things I long to possess. I pray and hope that I will remain true to myself no matter what. I am still me. "Dear Allah, please help me to be a better person and I pray for having a better health." I or we can live a good life if we decide so. So, take a good look at ourselves and be grateful for everything. Have a good day lovelies!

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