@SuAvaTia: What Went Totally Wrong?:
Disclaimers: I am not an LGBT expert nor am I an expert in Islam and I do not intend to portray as such. What I pen down are observations and my passion to understand everyone, everything and ultimately Allah s.w.t
When my girls were born, I knew that I need to allow them to cultivate their own personality. In understanding my babies' personality, you understand how you need to be around them. There is the famous saying, 'You cannot fight Fire with Fire'. I need to be the water to my daughter's fiery reactions. Easily said than done!
As I have learnt screaming to my kids do not solve or make them obedient kids. It makes them more stressed and me the bad mom leading to feelings of depression.
From my observation as a mom, a person, a wife, and a daughter, you learn everyday about yourself. I have posted on changes that a person has gone through and how hard it is for a person to change.
We change when we want to or when there is an extreme circumstance which requires us to. We may also fall back to our old habits.
In the end, forcing yourself to change may work for you or her but not everyone.
I feel that each individual has his or her personalities. Yes, all of us have enshrined human rights accordingly pursuant to the Constitution. Our rights are engraved every where imaginable. But our rights are mere letters to a book which forms an Act and is binding under the law.
How do we detach these rights from emotions, from religion and from politics?
How do we accept the 'right' way of advocating our rights under the Constitution? As these may contradict with many others.
These are highly sensitive issues which needs to be looked at all possible ways. If we shun an LGBT, if we point our fingers in disgust, are we then better off?
Is being an LGBT the worst of all kinds? Are they considered as aliens?
It is normal for you to be defensive when a negativity is thrown at you. It may be the same to an LGBT. They probably just need a friend to confide in.
They are humans just like us. As the writer below has explained, perhaps we should take it with a lighter approach, to guide them back to Allah's swt's ways instead of harassing and fighting our cause against theirs with fire and negativity.
Let's try and understand. Some articles I came across on the net.
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