Thursday 22 December 2011

A New Year, A Fresh Start...

I love the fresh start of a new year. It is the perfect time to clean our home, stock our fridge and reorganize our closet.  I routinely go through my wardrobe to edit what will work for me in the next future. The unwanted ones, I am just gonna donate it to my siblings, cousins and friends. I am so excited about the week ahead! I managed to spend some quality time with my darlings recently and gonna spend Xmas and New Year break at my brothers’ house which gonna be full with my little munchkins and lovely sister in law in Kuwait starting this weekend. I just cannot wait to be together with everyone. I am also working on some tips to live a better life in 2012. 

Will write again soon. Merry Xmas and Happy New Year in advance. Have a good break everyone. And please be safe!


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