Friday, 23 December 2011

A Message to Women From a Man: You Are Not "Crazy"...

@SuAvaTia: A Message to Women From a Man: You Are Not "Crazy"...: I LOVE THIS ARTICLE (PERIOD). READ UP LADIES


You're so sensitive. You're so emotional. You're defensive. You're overreacting. Calm down. Relax. Stop freaking out! You're crazy! I was just joking, don't you have a sense of humor? You're so dramatic. Just get over it already!
Sound familiar?
If you're a woman, it probably does.
Do you ever hear any of these comments from your spouse, partner, boss, friends, colleagues, or relatives after you have expressed frustration, sadness, or anger about something they have done or said?
When someone says these things to you, it's not an example of inconsiderate behavior. When your spouse shows up half an hour late to dinner without calling -- that's inconsiderate behavior. A remark intended to shut you down like, "Calm down, you're overreacting," after you just addressed someone else's bad behavior, is emotional manipulation, pure and simple.
And this is the sort of emotional manipulation that feeds an epidemic in our country, an epidemic that defines women as crazy, irrational, overly sensitive, unhinged. This epidemic helps fuel the idea that women need only the slightest provocation to unleash their (crazy) emotions. It's patently false and unfair.
I think it's time to separate inconsiderate behavior from emotional manipulation, and we need to use a word not found in our normal vocabulary....

Thursday, 22 December 2011

A New Year, A Fresh Start...

I love the fresh start of a new year. It is the perfect time to clean our home, stock our fridge and reorganize our closet.  I routinely go through my wardrobe to edit what will work for me in the next future. The unwanted ones, I am just gonna donate it to my siblings, cousins and friends. I am so excited about the week ahead! I managed to spend some quality time with my darlings recently and gonna spend Xmas and New Year break at my brothers’ house which gonna be full with my little munchkins and lovely sister in law in Kuwait starting this weekend. I just cannot wait to be together with everyone. I am also working on some tips to live a better life in 2012. 

Will write again soon. Merry Xmas and Happy New Year in advance. Have a good break everyone. And please be safe!


Mascara's Reflections on Life's Lil Treasures: Deeper Conversations (figuratively, not literally)...

Mascara's Reflections on Life's Lil Treasures: Deeper Conversations (figuratively, not literally)...: I am absolutely a fan of this local talented indie songstress! I was rooting for her endless during the Semi Finals for Anugerah Juara Lagu...

Mascara's Reflections on Life's Lil Treasures: Photojournal Blog: Snapshots of Mascara's Love Sto...

Mascara's Reflections on Life's Lil Treasures: Photojournal Blog: Snapshots of Mascara's Love Sto...: Beautiful monuments everywhere!!  Note: Me at Notre Dame Cathedral , one of the oldest church, completed in 1345 (right picture)  ...

Mascara's Reflections on Life's Lil Treasures: Photojournal Blog: Snapshots of Mascara's London s...

Mascara's Reflections on Life's Lil Treasures: Photojournal Blog: Snapshots of Mascara's London s...: Oxford Street - shopping yo! (But I did't. Oh except for a couple of winter sweaters at H&M) The Borough Market (really nice, old, tr...

Mascara's Reflections on Life's Lil Treasures: Photojournal Blog: Snapshots of Mascara's Amsterda...

Mascara's Reflections on Life's Lil Treasures: Photojournal Blog: Snapshots of Mascara's Amsterda...: Cold, foggy Amsterdam. Brrrrr! Bicycles everywhere, HRC Amsterdam (a must!), Anne Frank Huis (my absolute fave!) HRC Amsterd...

Mascara's Reflections on Life's Lil Treasures: It has been a while!

Mascara's Reflections on Life's Lil Treasures: It has been a while!: OMG it has been like forever since I last jot my ramblings here! I have missed doing this very much, however I have not been able to really ...

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

What Went Totally Wrong?

@SuAvaTia: What Went Totally Wrong?:

Disclaimers: I am not an LGBT expert nor am I an expert in Islam and I do not intend to portray as such. What I pen down are observations and my passion to understand everyone, everything and ultimately Allah s.w.t
When my girls were born, I knew that I need to allow them to cultivate their own personality. In understanding my babies' personality, you understand how you need to be around them. There is the famous saying, 'You cannot fight Fire with Fire'. I need to be the water to my daughter's fiery reactions. Easily said than done!

As I have learnt screaming to my kids do not solve or make them obedient kids. It makes them more stressed and me the bad mom leading to feelings of depression.

From my observation as a mom, a person, a wife, and a daughter, you learn everyday about yourself. I have posted on changes that a person has gone through and how hard it is for a person to change.

We change when we want to or when there is an extreme circumstance which requires us to. We may also fall back to our old habits.

In the end, forcing yourself to change may work for you or her but not everyone.

I feel that each individual has his or her personalities. Yes, all of us have enshrined human rights accordingly pursuant to the Constitution. Our rights are engraved every where imaginable. But our rights are mere letters to a book which forms an Act and is binding under the law.

How do we detach these rights from emotions, from religion and from politics?

How do we accept the 'right' way of advocating our rights under the Constitution? As these may contradict with many others.

These are highly sensitive issues which needs to be looked at all possible ways. If we shun an LGBT, if we point our fingers in disgust, are we then better off?

Is being an LGBT the worst of all kinds? Are they considered as aliens?

It is normal for you to be defensive when a negativity is thrown at you. It may be the same to an LGBT. They probably just need a friend to confide in.

They are humans just like us. As the writer below has explained, perhaps we should take it with a lighter approach, to guide them back to Allah's swt's ways instead of harassing and fighting our cause against theirs with fire and negativity.

Let's try and understand. Some articles I came across on the net.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Tangerine Solid & Hot Pink

For Raya 2012 :) Too early to decide, but visualizing it already :)

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

It's Number 5 again...

Describe myself in five words :
Sensitive, Perfectionist, Considerate, Caring, Sincere

Five things I can't live without?
People in my life (husband, families and friends), Travelling, My smart phones (Blackberry & Iphone), Love, Laughing

My favorite quote?
From Mr. Tiptra : Grow old with me the best is yet to be!

My all-time five favorite movies?
The Holiday, The Devil wears Prada, Love Actually, Before Sunrise, Pretty Woman

My all-time five favorite styles?
Classic, Elegant, Feminine, Simple, Black

Monday, 12 December 2011

What do you think you are worth...??

What do you think you are worth? When I am in a good mood, I will find a good answer to that question, but when I hit a down low it is not always easy to give the answer that I am convinced with. It looks like most people are comfortable in our own skin even though if we look closely, it soon turns out to not be the case. I have seen numerous examples of that. "A beautiful lady with an outstanding personality who can’t see how beautiful she is, or a woman who does not stop complaining because she is never satisfied with what she’s got.."

I have to admit, that at times the problems I have need me a couple of days of feeling sorry for myself, but then I need to snap out of it and get back on track. I need to know how worthy I am, and what I am capable of. Regardless of the image I have in mind of how I should be like, I need to enjoy the way I am and be proud of it, because this is what makes one truly unique. At times I think it might be because I focus too much on pointing out my bad qualities, that I forget to give myself some credits for the good ones as well. To me it is pretty obvious, I sometimes hardly satisfied with what I personally have and prefer to look to what others do or say about me instead of the other way round.

To keep this short, and this might sound cheesy. "We can’t shine into the world and let people see how amazing we are, if every inch of us do not believe in it. It is not arrogance, it is needed confidence." 

Less is better...

Photos credit from google

"Great minds can afford a simple style." As Charlize Theron said once: “If they ever do my life story, whoever plays me needs lots of hair color and high heels.”

So advice of the day is if we are feeling comfortable in our own body, which we should be, wear it like Charlize Theron. Meaning go for the simple outfit that suits our body shape the most, accessorize with elegant statement jewels, go for funky heels and the cute clutch/handbag. Try it out and we will look absolutely stunning.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

On a quiet Tuesday

A great way to start my morning on a quiet Tuesday here at work, where most people are on long leave and I don't feel like occupying myself with work so here it goes...

Did you know...
  • that I have a bit of Monk's characters. A bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder : Fears of heights, enclosed spaces, dirt, crowds (sometimes), bullies and imperfections. And I will make sure all things are clustered
  • that I often imagine how to hurt someone physically and enjoy it
  • that I was an athlete (100m & 4x100m) sprinter back in my high school years
  • that I enjoy watching action, thriller and chic flicks movies. But my favorite TV series are Full House,  Beverly Hills 90210 (the original), Friends and Sex & The City
  • that I once had my dad pay a 20k bill when I got into a car accident when I was in my high school years. Drove a friend's car without a driving license at the same time :)
  • that I adore everything beautiful. Also appreciate people with good hearts 
  • that I am often confused and fickle with my plans
  • that I have always wanted to be an architect or an interior designer or a fashion designer
  • that I am able to continue my dreams after waking up and remember most of my dreams
  • that I thought I might be a recording artist after I finished my studies
  • that I do not like answering phone calls at night. Most of the time, I do not remember what I will say
  • that I love designer handbags especially classic designs
  • that I have a dream of having my refrigerator well stocked, fresh flowers around my house as often as I can, and if possible, a small walk-in pantry to store food by category :)
  • that I can cook (when I have the "extra" mood). I love to learn baking someday
  • that I am a soft-hearted but emotional person. I forgive easily and I love to be pampered
  • that I hate violence and rudeness

Friday, 2 December 2011


I may be in black most of the days, but that has not stopped me from dreaming of a few colorful, lovelies. Must try to arm myself with a little sunshine some days...

Photos credit from google

Thursday, 1 December 2011

December comes again...

To all of my families and friends,

I hope this December is going to be filled with good food, loved ones, laughs, hugs, honesty & sincerity and memories that will be cherished for many more years to come. This year I have so much to be thankful for. The supports from families and friends after one conjecture incident that happened to me early this year, to be blessed with wonderful parents, siblings, nieces & nephew and relationships that have blossomed into a wonderful marriage and friendships are upon my gratitude list. 

I am glad to see you again, December! Looking forward to end it with lots of happiness. God bless.. Sue xx