Tuesday 3 January 2012

Missions Possible in 2012?

Mission 1 : To treat others as you want to be treated.

Mission 2 : To be a better wife to my husband, daughter to my parents, sister to my siblings, auntie to my nieces and nephew & a good friend and listener

Mission 3 : To be more punctual and present

Mission 4 : To be more grateful for what I do have rather than longing for what I do not have

Mission 5 : To eat healthily, keep fit and better health

And lastly, being true to myself . So with that said, don't be pigeon-holed into a role that doesn't suit us. Unhappy? Change it. Fearful? Do it anyways. Feeling you don't know who you are anymore? Take some time to figure it out so that we can become the type of person we would like to meet. Most importantly be true to ourselves. We deserve it.

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