Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Banishing The Word “Bossy” From Our Vocabularies

@SuAvaTia: Banishing The Word “Bossy” From Our Vocabularies:

As always, Mr Yashar hits me at the core and makes me realize a simple aspect of a person. I, for one have been exposed to many 'bossy' people as I am sure you have. Tolerating them to me is the key. Or avoiding in totally for peace of mind. What type of boss-y-ness is another issue. Here's some types which I have crossed path with:

Type 1

I know everything as I am well learned, read, exposed, and can even read people's minds. No, I am not a tarot card reader, gypsy/bomoh related (I think) or anything religiously connected to my mind reading skills. Whatever you say or feel, I know. I also know your reactions.

This to me is not even bossy, this is God-like behaviour cum bossy.

The worst kind, in my opinion. You may be enamoured / charmed by this type but trust me, its not worth it at all. Let these type be oblivious to their abilities when at the end of the day, they say one thing, they do another. What others do is never enough. But what have they done to themselves? I don't want to know.

Type 2

I know everyone. Everyone knows me (reallllyy?). I command audience to whatever I say. Yes, you have my attention. But what are you saying?

This type is the type to also think they know it all and will only speak of them them them. They know it all, they have it the hardest, they have it the best and they are the most accomplished one of all.

Yes, i get it. Please there are always other sides to a coin. And there is also the truth.

Type 3

I am the boss. Simple as that. And you are my kuci library where when I am stuck you are there to regurgitate what I am thinking feeling and etc.

I get you too. You are the boss but please act like one sometimess..or most of the time

Type 4

I am the boss but I dont act like one. I can be your friend but please dont step the boundaries. I mean business and please show me what you have and have respect to what I have to offer.

I know what I want but I am willing to listen and learn with you.

This of course if the one that I can tolerate with. Respect is earned, not imposed upon. I get that you are more experienced but it does not make you a deity. Bosses are leaders..not some lost person who have gained attention. You may be interesting to the public but being interesting and knowledgeable is not enough. You need to persistently show you have got the chops.

Type 5

I am the boss. You can come to me but at the end of the day, you are never good enough. You never try to read. You never do this. You never do that. You think you know the answer?

Bloody hell..this is close to type 1 as it is neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ever good enough. We are your kuli yes. We get it but we are NOT ROBOTS. We can work but it would be nice, if its not toooooooooo much to ask for some words of motivation.

Negativity can only be accepted to a certain extent.

Type 6

I am the boss. Because I said so. I am learned, well read, exposed, older than you. I can do this, you cant. You cant do that. We can do this.

Do this for me as its your job.

This is the most silent boss but also the most confusing. Communication is lacking. So we kuli tend to assume. With little info, how could we not assume? Then we get bashed for assuming.

Type 7

I am your friend. I can laugh with you yet I am the boss as I am more senior. I like it this way so follow my way. Why do you like that..?

This is a very opinionated so called boss who refuses to accept a persons way of life. Moving on!

Please...I can go on and on and on..........endless..

Lets be the boss that we are. But try to accept others' stories, words, sentences or views. Its always not about you.

You dont know everything. Only God knows that.

You should know that respect is earned.

You should also know that a boss needs to be trusted.

A boss is also a leader who has leadership skills. Popularity is not a tool to measure your leadership.

You may be the boss. Only the word boss is stuck with you. I dont see the values of a leader.


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