Wednesday 2 November 2011

The D word

@SuAvaTia: The D word: Does it matter if the divorce comes 3 years later or 3 months or even 72 days. Sometimes all it takes is a blink of an eye for your feelings to change over a person.

Who are we to judge? Are we better off if we have been married for longer than she has?

It is her life and she is entitled to be happy like each and everyone of us. What do you get when you ridicule her every word? A lot of 'Likes'? A pat in the back? Admiration?

Yes, the money could have been used for a better cause...a lot of it could have been given by others as well for the better cause for the world but the others choose not to. If she does, good on her. If she doesnt, are you the better saint?

Look at yourself and see if you are better off than her or anybody else in a situation.

I am not a fan of the her, the show or have I bought any of their products. I like to see the family values shown. I love to see how the family is close when there are troubled times.

Let's take the positivity out of it all..well, at least for me.

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