Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Hyperemesis gravidarum - Know Your Condition

Duchess of Cambridge has been reported by St James Palace to be pregnant

The statement in full:"Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are very pleased to announce that The Duchess of Cambridge is expecting a baby.The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry and members of both families are delighted with the news.'The Duchess was admitted this afternoon to King Edward VII Hospital in Central London with Hyperemesis Gravidarum. As the pregnancy is in its very early stages, Her Royal Highness is expected to stay in hospital for several days and will require a period of rest thereafter."
Awesome news to me..it makes me truly happy when anyone is about to have a baby. The gift of life is such a wonderful experience to you as a person and how the baby affects you and your surroundings  is priceless. 

To be able to enjoy the pregnancy feel may be very easy to most but a challenge to some ladies.  Everyone is different, their body, their hormones and their agenda set by God. 

Let's have compassion to those striving to experience one of the greatest miracles of life.


Hyperemesis gravidarum is extreme, persistent nausea and vomiting during pregnancy that may lead to dehydration.

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Nearly all women have some nausea or vomiting, or "morning sickness," particularly during the first 3 months of pregnancy. The cause of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy is believed to be rapidly rising blood levels of a hormone called HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), which is released by the placenta.
Extreme nausea and vomiting during pregnancy can happen if you are pregnant with twins (or more) or if you have a hydatidiform mole.


Signs and tests

The doctor will perform a physical exam. Blood pressure may be low. Pulse may be high.
The following laboratory tests will be done to check for signs of dehydration:
Your doctor may need to run tests to rule out liver and gastrointestinal problems.
A pregnancy ultrasound will be done to see if you are carrying twins or more, and to check for a hydatidiform mole.


Small, frequent meals and eating dry foods such as crackers may help relieve uncomplicated nausea.
You should drink plenty of fluids. Increase fluids during the times of the day when you feel the least nauseated. Seltzer, ginger ale, or other sparkling waters may be helpful.
Vitamin B6 (no more than 100 mg daily) has been shown to decrease the nausea in early pregnancy.
Medication to prevent nausea is reserved for cases where vomiting is persistent and severe enough to present potential risks to you and your unborn baby. In severe cases, you may be admitted to the hospital, where fluids will be given to you through an IV.

Expectations (prognosis)

Nausea and vomiting usually peaks between 2 and 12 weeks of pregnancy and goes away by the second half of pregnancy. With proper identification of symptoms and careful follow-up, this condition rarely presents serious complications for the infant or mother.


Too much vomiting is harmful because it leads to dehydration and poor weight gain during pregnancy.
Social or psychological problems may be associated with this disorder of pregnancy. If such problems exist, they need to be identified and addressed appropriately.

Hyperemesis gravidarum - PubMed Health

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Ekspresi Karya Gemilang, Konser Gratis Hadirkan Artis Indonesia-Malaysia

-My Sanctuary-: Ekspresi Karya Gemilang, Konser Gratis Hadirkan Ar...: Would anyone be interested? To create and foster a deeper relationship between two countries via cultural arts. 


Digagas oleh sebuah perusahaan kelapa sawit.

Sebuah gelaran yang mengangkat kolaborasi budaya antara Indonesia dan Malaysia akan dihelat dengan tajuk Ekspresi Karya Gemilang.

Digagas oleh sebuah perusahaan kelapa sawit, Minamas, Ekspresi Karya Gemilang yang akan digelar di Jakarta, Pekanbaru dan Banjarmasin ini bertujuan untuk melestarikan budaya Indonesia dan Malaysia yang memiliki rumpun sama, yaitu Melayu.

"Kami di Minamas Gemilang dan tim tentu saja percaya pelestarian budaya harus dimulai dari individu, dan bisa dimulai dari konser ini, supaya kaum muda bisa memahami dan melestarikan budaya untuk kedepannya," jelas Mohd Ghozali Yahaya selaku Presiden Direktur PT Minamas Gemilang saat ditemui di acara jumpa pers Ekspresi Karya Gemilang di kawasan Menteng, Jakarta Pusat hari ini.

Konser ini nantinya akan menampilkan deretan musisi dan seniman terbaik tanah air seperti Titi DJ, Rossa, Inka Christie, Ungu, Radja, Armada, Dara Jana yang berkolaborasi dengan musisi dan seniman dari Negeri Jiran seperti. Siti Nurhaliza, Amy Search, dan Shilla Hamzah yang akan disutradarai oleh Denny Malik.

Nantinya Denny akan bertanggung jawab atas kemasan konser tersebut. Para penyanyi, pemusik dan penari akan ditampilkan dalam satu panggung lewat nuansa etnik dan tradisi Melayu.

"Ada dekorasi, panorama dari dua negara dalam satu bnetuk musikal yang menarik. Saya bikin non stop review, jadi konsep yang enggak terputus. Ada hampir 400 personel pendukung," terang Denny.

Nuansa etnik Melayu itu kemudian didukung dengan sentuhan orkestrasi yang dipandu oleh Yusuf Oblet, pemain musik etnik yang memiliki latar belakang musik klasik dengan permainan nada-nada diatonik Barat.

"Saya akan membawa 30 personel yang nanti ada kolaborasi dengan permainan orkestra," paparnya.

Ekspresi Karya Gemilang akan digelar di Jakarta pada tanggal 10 Desember 2012 di Mata Elang International Stadium yang kemudian dilanjutkan di Lapangan Batrai P Kodam, Pekanbaru pada tanggal 12 Desember 2012, dan Stadion Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin pada tanggal 14 Desember 2012.

Menariknya, perhelatan akbar ini disuguhkan tanpa menarik biaya apapun bagi penontonnya. Pihak Minamas menyediakan sekitar 10.000 tiket undangan bagi para penonton yang berminat menyaksikan sajian spektakuler kolaborasi budaya dua negara ini.

Bagi para calon penonton yang berminat menyaksikan konser ini dapat langsung menghubungi kantor Synergism di nomer telepon 021-75910791.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Why Mitt Romney Lost: Empathy | The Current Conscience

Why Mitt Romney Lost: Empathy | The Current Conscienc

Last night, Barack Obama won re-election because of one big reason: empathy. More specifically, he and the Democratic Party were more successful at expressing empathy than Mitt Romney and the Republicans.

In the election post-mortem, one number stuck out to me more than any other. If we put aside which candidate the voters thought would be a better steward of our economy, what people thought about the multitude of issues, there was plurality of voters (by a margin of 10 percent) who felt that Barack Obama understood what they were facing, or to be more exact, that he was “in touch” with their problems.

I am obsessed with empathy. I have written about it in the past and I am writing about it today because in the coming weeks and months, I intend to address this idea of the empathy gap. Empathy should not be confused with sympathy; to put it simply, empathy is about feeling and understanding the pain or joy of another. Moreover, empathy is not about pity…far from it.

Empathy is incredibly healing and incredibly powerful in life, and especially in politics. The ability or inability of a political candidate to make people feel like they are being understood, that they exist, that what they are facing–good or bad–is something that can be appreciated and understood, can either move a candidate forward, or cause voters to extinguish their passions for that candidate.
People can try to explain that Mitt Romney did many wonderful things for many people, that his advisors should be blamed for poor messaging, or that the Democrats “swiftboated” him, but in my mind, it is nearly impossible to manufacture or message empathy. While a political candidate can say all the right things, without a sense of empathy for the population, he/she will eventually display a lack of humanity and understanding.
Perfect example of this was Mitt Romney’s “47 percent” moment (notice I didn’t use the word “gaffe”).
But excuse-making doesn’t work for either of the political parties. Perception is everything in politics. If you have to spend time explaining why people are misunderstanding your message, you’re never going to gain their support. There are no “buts” in politics.
To prove that I’m not delving into partisan attacks here, I want to look at a Democratic defeat. The many factors that led to John Kerry’s loss in 2004 (key word: many), there is one that he shares with Mitt Romney: disconnection.
I honestly don’t think that their supposed disconnection from the rest of America has anything to do with wealth. In other words, the fact that both men are incredibly wealthy did not and does not lead to this disconnection. People who don’t have money can be just as lacking in the empathy department as people who do have money. We connect wealth as a way of explaining why they don’t understand or why they at least lack the ability to project that they understand. However, these two men wouldn’t be able to express empathy if they were working in a minimum wage job.
People make jokes about this, but when Bill Clinton said “I feel your pain” in the 1992 presidential election, it had a startling impact on how he was seen.
“I feel your pain” may be seen as cheesy, but anyone in a difficult position wants to know that what they are facing is understood by others, especially by the man or woman who is vying to lead their country.
So how does this all play out in real life? If you’re a part of one of these groups that is struggling, this is what you heard/hear from the Republican Party, and this is what many voters perceive of the Republican Party:
Undocumented Immigrants: You should be ashamed of yourself for trying to give your family a better life. Look over your shoulder. And if your parents brought you here as a young child, too bad. Not our problem.
Gays and Lesbians: Your love is impure and you don’t deserve validation or any legal protections. Your relationship doesn’t exist.
Women: You have just faced the most gut-wrenching, painful trauma in your life: sexual assault. And now, you realize that you have been impregnated. Now get over it. Too bad.
Anyone On Government Assistance: You are a lazy thief.
Again, the intention of the party or candidate doesn’t matter, it’s all about perception.
When we look at the issue of empathy on a practical, political level, it doesn’t mean you can’t disagree with someone. Having empathy for someone else just means that you have to understand and care about the “how” and “why” of a person or groups of people in their life journeys.
For example, on the issue of immigration, it would be much more effective for someone to say “I don’t blame a single person who is living in America undocumented. We are the greatest country in the world and any person, and especially any parent, would want to seek a better life here. But unfortunately, we simply can’t sustain this in the short or long term.”
If a politician or speaker opens a statement about a difficult issue like immigration through expressing empathy, he/she immediately diffuses a bomb; when people feel understood, they are more easily willing to engage in debate, discussion and forgiveness.
I woke up this morning hearing in my head, the lyrics of Nina Simone’s song, “Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood,”

I’m just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don’t let me be misunderstood

That’s what it’s all about folks: everyone just wants to be understood. Oprah Winfrey, on the finale episode of her talk show put it simply by pointing out the one thing all of her guests over the 25 years of her show (30,000 total) had in common was the need for their experiences to be understood: “They want to know: ‘Do you see me? Do you hear me? Does what I say mean anything to you?”
This morning, several news clips featured Mitt Romney’s his close supporters and friends sharing their frustrations that “the real Mitt” wasn’t exposed to voters and that his intentions were misunderstood. That may be the case, but his inability to empathize–to understand–led to this misunderstanding.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

I need MRT because...

-My Sanctuary-: I need MRT because...: Let's join in the competition and give your best slogan...when you do..appreciate if you could vote for two Suhana M.'s submission :)

Thursday, 1 November 2012

-My Sanctuary-: Christian vs Gideon

-My Sanctuary-: Christian vs Gideon:

I found insightful reviews between my fav trilogy to my current read. I agree with her :) I am on chapter 2 of Reflected in You. Book 2 of the Crossfire Series maintains clarity and depth to the descriptions of Eva's surroundings and her feelings to Gideon.

However, on several issues, it seems Sylvia Day refuses Gideon to confess and answer to Eva's frank questions. 

It wasnt so in 50Shades where Ana could wrangle it out of Christian and Christian in due time gave his perception and plausible explanation.

Gideon keeps things hanging too much and its annoying to me sometimes. I guess since the Crossfire Series is too fast paced, the crux of the matters are kept at abeyance to keep the suspense running.

Let's see the 3rd book when I get there.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

My Sanctuary: Don't Judge a Book by its Cover

My Sanctuary: Don't Judge a Book by its Cover: This post tugged something deep within my heart, the lil something that seems lost in some, called compassion.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Raising the Bar ---> Analysis of PD's Post

Some points to ponder from Ms PD's post  which are in RED BOLD (as seen below with the link). Please ignore the SHOUTY CAPITALS (Readers of 50Shades could probably relate to this) but among all of those which I have highlighted.

The quote below is what I could really relate to.

These people are jealous of anyone who do better than them, and it’s really their own battle to fight. Not yours.
It is most definitely the jealous person's battle. Not yours. You will have loudspeakers, announcing every little thing they have done, achieved, accomplished or even attempted in thinking about.These people could be a true workaholic expressing their honest relief of their hardwork or it could be Mr/Ms Show Off. Telling the world I am there, and you little underlings are way beneath me.

It doesnt matter what you announce to the world (usually via social media) but IT IS HOW you announce it. Must you really say it 10 different ways of how you have completed something. Further, do you really need to belittle those who did not achieve? Just say it as simply as possible or try to put yourself in another persons' shoes when you do it. 

In any event, no matter how you announce it or no matter how sincere you may be, there will be others to put you down. 

The Moral of the Story is : Care LESS, DO More!!


via http://www.proudduck.com/

Everytime I write an entrepreneurial post, I’ll get comments like “Oh plsss you don’t even work, your dad gives you everything.” Or “Your achievements are nothing to us, you’re a brat.”
To be completely honest, I really don’t mind these comments because I get where they’re coming from. If you’re from a comfortable family, you achieve anything also, it doesn’t count to some people. You can work as hard as you want, they don’t care. You can make millions of dollars, they will curse you with jealousy. And one day, you have to realize that all your achievements are not to prove anything to them, so don’t get mad or get upset. People are entitled to their opinions so there is no need to get emotional. Most importantly, don’t try to defend yourself by saying “Yes I work hard dammit bla bla bla” because not only do you look silly saying that, you also waste your time.
And then I start to think a level higher than that; why these people think like this. Why is it that they question what God gives other people? Isn’t it their own rezeki? Ok some of them could be mere jealousy, in which case you can discard them. If it’s this group, then you have to realize that it’s no longer about you. Don’t be perasan. Haha. These people are jealous of anyone who do better than them, and it’s really their own battle to fight. Not yours.
But some of them probably have had bad experience setting up a business. I’m learning that there are a lot of people out there who quit their jobs and start up their own ventures, but fail either because of financial problems or it just did not kick off well. Meeting a lot of people at conferences and events, I realize there are sooo many good ideas out there that go unheard. And it’s really a shame because those ideas could churn out a lot of income for the inventors.
For Dean and I, we came up with FashionValet together. We pooled our savings and with that small capital, we worked to build FV. So, no, it’s not the “Hi Dad, can I have three million dollars to start this website please?” – “No problem, honey. Here you go. *KISS*” scenario. Last year, FV spent sooo little on marketing and we managed to get huge revenue in comparison. So I’d say it’s a lot of luck, but it’s also a lot of strategic planning and using the resources we already have. Most of these came from Dean’s consultant brain, whereas I made sure operations run smoothly.
Getting our business to a level like that and sustaining there was relatively easy. I mean, it was a lot of hard work of course, but anyone can do it. Now, we’re faced with a tougher task; bringing our business to an even higher level because like any business, the only direction is to grow exponentially.
So….. we needed money. We needed investment. We had to suck it up, meet VCs, pitch to investors, talk to international tech companies and just be thick-faced. We talked to banks about loans, we talked to government bodies that help SMEs. Dean did most of this, and it always helps to have a smiling innocent girl in the meeting. Some were very interested, some discarded us. It was difficult for us to choose as well, because it’s not just money we want. We also wanted a strategic partnership; something more from potential investors, something else that the could offer FV too. It’s this whole roller coaster ride that we have to go through. And that’s not a ride a lot of us can take without puking. So I’m very proud of Dean that he never gives up easily.
We could have gone to our parents for investment and that would’ve really been the easy path because any idea their kids give them is a genius idea. It’s called love, really.
But we didn’t want to burden them.
So… we went a different route.
We went nationwide.
We joined the MYEG Make The Pitch contest.
Inspired by Dragon’s Den, our homegrown Make The Pitch is a show where entrepreneurs (or potential entrepreneurs) pitch their ideas to a panel of judges. Whether or not you win, you get a huge TV exposure and it’s free! The judges will bombard you with tough questions on the spot and you’ve got to convince them to give you the money that you ask for. We spent a lot of time in London watching Dragon’s Den and I’m sure Dean never thought he’d be in something like it!
 A scary challenge, yes it was.
And guess what.
We made it to the Semi-Finals.
Our semi-finals episode will be out soon on 8TV.
I shall remind you guys to watch TV on that day!
But my point of this post is to remind everyone and myself to not be so judgmental of others. In business, you can give a million excuses as to why your idea never materialized and say it’s so hard because you have no money. There are so many channels you can go to find capital or to at least get good advice.  Don’t just scrutinize others for their achievements, instead just wish them the best. Dean and I are not from multi-million dollar companies, nor are we German billionaires. Maybe just like you, we’re just 2 young people trying to build a bright future for us, our team and our families.
Wishing everyone out there lots of luck in their own ventures!

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Monday, 27 February 2012

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Bonding moment...

For 4 days in Bali with some good friends, I feel like I lived in a dream. I found myself in a dream villa, in a dream world. We had to take as many pictures as we pleased. We basked in the sun, we binged on bluesy tunes, we supped on good drinks and munched on good meals. We spun our feet in the sea and pool. We got so unbelievably inspired, in love with the moment. "Think of all the joy you will find; when you leave the world behind; and bid your cares goodbye; you can fly.." - Walt Disney's Peter Pan

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun...

What is fun about girls night out or a luncheon or drinks with girlfriends? Female friendships are so crucial to our well being. Close friends listen to our deepest fears, hardly judge, giggle over silly things, sincere and honest, do not practice ego, support through sickness, broken relationships and celebrate our achievements as if they were their own. But who can we call our closest female friends? How long do we have to know each other until we can claim they are ours? 

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Friday, 20 January 2012

California (Santa Monica/Los Angeles/Beverly Hills), Las Vegas & Grand Canyon in Autumn/Fall 2011...

Truth is, there are literally hundreds of things to see and do in California. And it is quite impossible to include each and every activity during a single trip. Some say, we will not experience the real Los Angeles until we have had a taste of Hollywood. We had our first taste of it over the last couple of months for the first time.  It was a performance of Iris produced by Cirque Du Soleil at the famous Kodak theater in Hollywood. The show was incredibly awesome! And here is my list of "must see"... Disneyland - the happiest place on earth, Universal Studios - a theme park that grew out of a studio tour, Warner Bros StudiosThe Walk of Fame, Entertainment Museum, Chinese Theater, Rodeo Drive 90210 - full with those exclusive designers, Venice Beach - where you can find street performers, tacky shops and where they shoot one of my favorites TV series, Californication. I find this place quite interesting, but try and avoid it after dark, when it gets too interesting for my taste, Venice Canals, Santa Monica - OH I SERIOUSLY MISS THIS PLACE! Great food, great people, great shopping 3rd Street Promenade (I found this cool vintage shop in the area), great beach scene and a classic seaside amusement park, complete with antique carousel that has been in a lot of TV and movies. The World Famous Malibu Beach - for being the home of many Hollywood movie stars, Sunset Boulevard - where it was the main route between the posh neighborhoods and the Hollywood studios.   It runs from downtown to the ocean, passing through the Sunset Strip, Farmers Market and The Grove - where you can get fresh seafood, Griffith Park - the famous LA Zoo & Griffith Observatory, Getty Museum - architecture of this place is so beautiful and it keeps me impressed, and last but not least The famous Hollywood Sign - where it is a landmark and American cultural icon in the Hollywood Hills area of Mount Lee, Santa Monica Mountains in LA. We really had a good time!